On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 05:46:57AM -0800, Frederick Cheung wrote:

> You're not really - you're setting it in the new method, but not in
> the create one (or are you using the nested attributes stuff) ?

If I call 

    @note = @property.notes.new

from the console, it properly populates the property_id and passes it
onto the note object. I've been trying this different ways, and maybe I
don't really understand what's being called when I do it via the web.

At present, I'm calling this from the properties controller, rather than
the notes controller, in the show action (which is where I have embedded
the New Note form). I'm not sure how to do it in notes.new or
notes.create, since I don't understand how to propogate the parent ID to
the notes controller from the property controller that way.

Can you offer a practical snippet for me to try?

"Oh, look: rocks!"
        -- Doctor Who, "Destiny of the Daleks"

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