On 01 Dec 2009, at 09:51, Trausti Thor Johannsson wrote:

> Now I just installed mod_porter and all.  But when I use passenger- 
> memory-stats
> I can see that my app uses 194 MB memory, I upload 1 picture and bang
> it uses 285 MB and 2nd picture it uses 316 MB.
> This is just ridiculous for an app that only does one thing, upload
> pictures and display thumbnails.
> Any ideas ?

By the looks of it (every spawned Rails process takes about 40-ish  
MB), you're wildly spawning extra Rails processes for some reason. We  
are using attachment_fu (and paperclip for that matter) intensively in  
a number of our applications and have no problems with high memory  
usage (except the initial RMagick hit). There must be something either  
in your server processes (RMagick, ImageMagick, other gem, …) that's  
miscompiled or outdated or you have something around the image  
uploading that kills your server (threads spawning). The simple fact  
of the matter is that something is keeping the Passenger rails process  
busy and it spawns new ones to cope with new incoming requests.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt


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