Hi Peter, here is my gemlist

actionmailer (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3)
actionpack (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3)
activerecord (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3)
activeresource (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3)
activesupport (2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3)
cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
daemons (1.0.10)
fastthread (1.0.7)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
mongrel (1.1.5)
mysql (2.8.1)
passenger (2.2.7)
rack (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
rails (2.3.5, 2.3.3)
rake (0.8.7)
rmagick (2.12.1)
rubyzip (0.9.1)

and these are my plugins

attachment_fu (1-2 months old)
easy-fckeditor  0.8.1  (not used anywhere)
modporter-plugin (installed today)
will_paginate 2.3.6

Thats all, I just updated passenger to 2.2.7 but

just by uploading one picture, private memory grows from 10.5 MB to
81.5 (with picture size 1.5 MB) and with next picture 118 MB

I never ever use find(:all).  This is beyond ridiculous.  There has to
be something I am doing wrong.

Best regards,


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Peter De Berdt
<peter.de.be...@pandora.be> wrote:
> On 01 Dec 2009, at 09:51, Trausti Thor Johannsson wrote:
> Now I just installed mod_porter and all.  But when I use
> passenger-memory-stats
> I can see that my app uses 194 MB memory, I upload 1 picture and bang
> it uses 285 MB and 2nd picture it uses 316 MB.
> This is just ridiculous for an app that only does one thing, upload
> pictures and display thumbnails.
> Any ideas ?
> By the looks of it (every spawned Rails process takes about 40-ish MB),
> you're wildly spawning extra Rails processes for some reason. We are using
> attachment_fu (and paperclip for that matter) intensively in a number of our
> applications and have no problems with high memory usage (except the initial
> RMagick hit). There must be something either in your server processes
> (RMagick, ImageMagick, other gem, …) that's miscompiled or outdated or you
> have something around the image uploading that kills your server (threads
> spawning). The simple fact of the matter is that something is keeping the
> Passenger rails process busy and it spawns new ones to cope with new
> incoming requests.
> Best regards
> Peter De Berdt
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