Sounds like you do not have your associations defined correctly in your model.

In your Buyer model you should have this line:

    belongs_to :status

In your Status model you should have this line:

    has_many :buyers



On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Steve Castaneda <> wrote:
> I'm looking to give an object (buyer) a status.  What's the best way to
> accomplish this?  At the moment, I'm struggling to comprehend my way
> through the following:
> 1) Create a status model, then let the user add statuses as they see
> fit.  These statuses can then be applied to a buyer.  The buyer table
> will have a status_id column. This works fine, but I have a problem when
> I try to refer to the the status through a buyer.
> buyer.status gives me the following error:
> Unknown column 'statuses.buyer_id' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM
> `statuses` WHERE (`statuses`.buyer_id = 12)  LIMIT 1
> I see what it's trying to do - go into the status column and find all
> statuses that have the buyer_id assigned.  The problem is that I don't
> want a status to apply to only ONE buyer, I want them to be able to
> apply to multiple.
> I'm sure I'm missing something in my routes, or just not understanding
> the relationship and how I need to instruct rails of this.
> Can someone help me out?  Thanks in advance for any time spent helping.
> --
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