I use git with my own repo's, along with Capistrano and passenger.
I simply have a special 'vhost.conf' for plesk (you can do this
in .htaccess but I don't like them) and I then create the 'apps'
directory on the server manually with the correct permissions and then
fire off capistrano to do the rest.
I have special permissions in my recipe for things like uploaded
images that are generated on the server.  These are all stored in the
'shared' directory so that they remain in tact when you re deploy.

If this sounds like what you want, let me know and I'll post the
recipe and the vhost.conf file.


On Feb 1, 5:26 pm, rubybox <voorr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Correction on above, I login as git user for my ssh Forgot to add that
> sorry about that.
> It all works so if syntax above is not correct its just typo.
> I think i Need Cap to do these more advanched things like changing
> user permissions.
> Problem is I could not get it up and running so if anyone has a decent
> recent complete guide on how to deploy with +git +cap +ruby/enterprise
> *using not git but my own repo*
> I would love to read that, I got so confused with all different and
> sometimes incomplete docs, ways to do it , incomplete examples on
> several blogs , that I I used git push and pull for now
> On Feb 1, 6:17 pm, rubybox <voorr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have several ruby newbie problems with my deployment
> > 1) First issue.. user rights and group permissions with ruby
> > enterprise using PLESK
> > To deploy i did create a git bare repo on my server inside  /var/git/
> > myapp.git
> > git remote add deployserver ssh://myserver.com/var/git/myapp.git
> > For deploy i do:  git push deployserver master  which uploads my local
> > files to the git repo on myserver.com/var/git/myapp.git
> > Then in a SSH session on the myserver.com I goto  /myapps/
> > sitename.com/ and then git pull (clone on 1st time ) 
> > ssh://myserver.com/var/git/myapp.git
> > This actually copies the app from my servers repo to the correct
> > servers directory where i host these files with ruby enterprise
> > I login as user myuser and myusergroup  those are something like
> > git:usergroup and needs to be nameofthedomaintheapprunson:psaserv
> > ( this is the username plesk runs under for that domain , psaserv is
> > the usergroup for the plesk server where apache , etc runs under ) How
> > can i optimalize this, it seems all not very logic. I know I can use
> > capify but have had a hell of a time with it, and defaulted to the
> > simple git push pull
> > 2) I cannot do rake:db:create  even my mysql socket is set correctly
> > but it wont allow me to create any database, to omit this i created
> > the database in mysql from command line, normally you create database
> > form inside the plesk config panel, but then i could not do
> > rake:db:create:all and that seems way more efficient to me. Plesk has
> > no root user for Mysql but "admin" with the same password as you login
> > to your plesk config panel which is normally on the server 
> > athttps://domain.com:8443. So THAT is set in my database.yml

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