rubybox wrote:
> Correction on above, I login as git user for my ssh Forgot to add that
> sorry about that.
> It all works so if syntax above is not correct its just typo.
> I think i Need Cap to do these more advanched things like changing
> user permissions.
> Problem is I could not get it up and running so if anyone has a decent
> recent complete guide on how to deploy with +git +cap +ruby/enterprise
> *using not git but my own repo*

But you are using Git.  You're not using GitHub, but that won't make 
much difference in your deploy script.  Any Cap guide should do -- yes, 
including the one from GitHub -- just put the appropriate server name 

> I would love to read that, I got so confused with all different and
> sometimes incomplete docs, ways to do it , incomplete examples on
> several blogs , that I I used git push and pull for now

Get Cap set up.  Now.  You're making yourself far more trouble by trying 
to work without it.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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