I'm about to go out of my mind. I've been literally working all day on
installing rails 3.0 beta. I have followed the steps in the ruby on
rails release notes to a T. I've installed all of it's neccesary gems
and than I try installing it by gem install rails --pre . I watch it
install all of it's dependent gems and when it finishes I try a simple
rails -v to get this "rails -v
getopt: invalid option -- 'v'
I've tried using the rails s command (I also tried rails server) and
instead of turning on the server it makes a new app! I go into that
app try again and it makes another app. I've literally re-installed
and uninstalled it trying different tricks since ten am in the morning
(it's now 8:30 PM). Anyways, I can't figure out how to get it to work
and I really need to program in rails 3.0 even though it is a beta
because I'm just starting on a complex app and I don't want to have to
recode all of the syntax 6 months after it launches. I was programming
in 2.3.5 BTW. Anyways any help is appreciated!

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