Colin Law wrote:
> On 15 February 2010 17:33, Babos Cata <> wrote:
>> It seems like the first form sends data to the database using the second
>> form (beeing wierd), insted of simply sending data to the second form.
> What do you mean 'sending data to the second form'?  When a form is
> submitted the data goes to a controller action, it cannot go direct to
> another form.
> Did you have a look (and I mean a work through not just a glance) at
> the guides as I suggested?  They may make it all more
> clear.
> It is better not to remove all the context from the mail you are
> replying to so that each post makes some sort of sense in case the
> threading gets lost, as it does sometimes.
> Colin

Thank you again for you fast reply. Indeed I started working with some 
basic forms and debugging methods. I tried some examples but non works, 

I want something like the simple php function, fill a form then send the 
values from the input tags in another form.

So I got a simple register from on the index(site controller) page with 
3 text_field, when submitted the values from the text_fields should be 
send in the second form(user controller), a bigger register form. Only 
when I submit the user controller register form, the values should be 
send to the database.

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