Ok..so that's what I mean:

I need to create a new view where I want to insert for istance (and in
this exact case) a form that I use to upload a file and then process
the file.
So in first place I create a view "new2.html.erb" in my view folder
associated to a controller let's say "references" with a form in it.
so now i have in the "view/references" folder this new file

how can I access this view? can I without creating a method? I guess I
don't because when I type http://localhost:3000/references/new2 i get
that error:
"Couldn't find Reference with ID=new2"
(but it render the page with the form if I had any kind of id after,
i.e. http://localhost:3000/references/new2/1 )

the question is: why for istance the "index" page or the "new"
generated by the scaffold can render the page (and the form in case of
new) without passing any ID and I can't now? what's the rule

my new2.html.erb page contain this:
<h1>New reference csv</h1>
<%  form_for :reference, @references, :method => :get, :url =>
{:action => 'new'} do %>

<p>Filename: <%= text_field_tag "file_tag" %> </p>

<p>  <%= submit_tag("Carica csv") %></p>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Back', references_path %>
(I've redefined the new method to parse a csv file)

and the routes.rb is the default one given by rails with the only
restful defined like this:
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
I've tried to add something like:
  map.connect ':controller/:action.:format'

but it does not do the trick .. :D

I'd like to understand how this work in general more than solve this
particular problem :)

thank u all :)

On 11 Mar, 22:41, Punit Rathore <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Andrea,
> You need to provide us with more information. From the info you have
> given I cannot figure out what is going on.
> > "Couldn't find Product with ID=new2"
> You say that you have an empty method, but it is trying to find a
> Product with ID=new2. I think that it cannot find the correct route from
> the routes.rb file.
> Actually you should paste all the code snippets from your controller,
> view and routes.rb file.
> Punit
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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