paul h wrote:
> Hi Max,
> Have you tried:
> @question = Question.create(attributes)
> @grading =
> Using create instead of new will save the Object to the DB first, and
> hence:

Hi Paul.  Yes, i know that, thanks - in this situation i would do 
gradings.create rather than  One of the advantages, 
though, of using build is that you can do it before the parent has been 
saved, and when the parent is saved it will save the child as well.

In general, i try to stick to the standard controller code as much as 
possible, which means setting the child gradings through a set method 
which will be called by .update_attributes.  This is a nice approach as 
it means no changes to the standard controller code is required.  When i 
drop the validation on Grading#question_id (or Grading#question) then it 
works fine.  My question was really about the behaviour of the unsaved 
child objects, and whether they 'know' they have a parent.  It seems 
they don't.
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