
Upon going through the rails quickstart guide:
http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html & also this guide
- I always get "Missing Template" errors.

"Template is missing
Missing template posts/index.erb in view path app/views"

Currently the file index.html.erb lives in app/views/posts/ - why is
the error message looking for a .erb file when there is a .html.erb
file in the folder that was created by a scaffold command? Renaming
the file to .erb does not solve the problem.

Here's my setup info from localhost:3000
Ruby version    1.8.7 (universal-darwin10.0)
RubyGems version        1.3.6
Rack version    1.0
Rails version   2.3.5
Active Record version   2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version   2.3.5
Active Support version  2.3.5
Application root        /Users/vtgbeats/[ Projects ]/[ Rails Apps ]/slambook
Environment     development
Database adapter        sqlite3
Database schema version 20100318235949

The routes.rb file is in default state.

I've successfully created small RORs apps before and now I can't even
render a view, please help. Thanks everyone,

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