Thanks for the reply
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Andy Joel <> wrote:
>> I have my models and controllers set up in sub-folders, so, for example,
>> sample.rb is in app/models/sample_log, and samples_controller.rb is in
>> app/controllers/sample_log. The controllers are defined to be within a
>> namespace just though the class name, eg like this:
>> class SampleLog::SamplesController < SampleLog::SuperController
>> However, the models are not.
>> class Sample < ActiveRecord::Base
> Where is this file?  I'm guessing that it's in 
> app/models/sample_log/sample.rb ?
>> Instead, I have added the relevant directories to config.load_paths in
>> environment.rb.
> Which may be part of the problem.  You might well be fighting
> convention over configuration.
>> Expected R:/samplelog/app/models/sample_log/sample.rb to define
>> SampleLog::Sample
> What this is saying is that Rails tried to find a class or module
> SampleLog::Sample
Is that right? I think it is the other way around; it is trying to find 
Sample, but objects because it thinks it should be in sample.rb, not 

"SampleLog::Sample" is not used anywhere in the project (and I have done 
a search to confirm this).

> What rails does here is to look for samplelog/sample.rb somewhere in
> the various load paths.  It's finding app/models/sample_log/sample.rb
> which if it indeed contains:
> class Sample < ActiveRecord::Base
> outside of a class or module block is definining ::Sample, not
> ::SampleLog::Sample.
> I'm guessing that moving app/models/sample_log/sample.rb to
> app/models/sample.rb will fix this.
Yes, I think this is true (indeed, this is how it was originally set 
up). However, I was HOPING to be able to split the models into sections.

> If not then show us the walkback you get on the error, it should point
> to some piece of code which is referring to some constant
>   (name_space::)*Sample

app/controllers/sample_log/samples_controller.rb:11:in `home'

Here are lines 10 to 12

  def home
    @samples = Sample.find :all

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