On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:26 AM, Andy Joel <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply
>> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Andy Joel <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>> I have my models and controllers set up in sub-folders, so, for example,
>>> sample.rb is in app/models/sample_log, and samples_controller.rb is in
>>> app/controllers/sample_log. The controllers are defined to be within a
>>> namespace just though the class name, eg like this:
>>> class SampleLog::SamplesController < SampleLog::SuperController
>>> However, the models are not.
>>> class Sample < ActiveRecord::Base
>> Where is this file?  I'm guessing that it's in
>> app/models/sample_log/sample.rb ?
> Yes
>>> Expected R:/samplelog/app/models/sample_log/sample.rb to define
>>> SampleLog::Sample
>> What this is saying is that Rails tried to find a class or module
>> SampleLog::Sample
> Is that right? I think it is the other way around; it is trying to find
> Sample, but objects because it thinks it should be in sample.rb, not
> sample_log/sample.rb.
> "SampleLog::Sample" is not used anywhere in the project (and I have done
> a search to confirm this).
> app/controllers/sample_log/samples_controller.rb:11:in `home'
> Here are lines 10 to 12
>  def home
>   �...@samples = Sample.find :all
>  end

Basic Ruby lesson.

You have

class SampleLog::SamplesController << ....

   def home
       @samples = Sample.find :all

When Ruby needs to figure out what Sample means in that home action,
it first looks for a constant in the current namespace so it looks for


Rails catches this as a missing constant and tries to find a file
under one of the load paths sample_log/samples_controller/sample.rb
but doesn't find one
so it hands the problem back to Ruby, which then tries to find the
constant Sample one step up the namespace chain and looks for
Now rails looks for sample_log/sample.rb and finds it, and loads it,
and then checks to see whether SampleLog::Sample is now defined, which
it isn't because that file defined ::Sample instead.

Did you try just moving app/models/sample_log/sample.rb to
app/models/sample.rb as I suggested, I'm pretty sure that doing this,
and possibly removing the the stuff you did to monkey with the load
paths behind Rails back should fix your problem.

Rick DeNatale

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