I had a similar problem - our log read:

    /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Thu Apr 29 10:55:46 -0400 2010
      Status: 500 Internal Server Error
      Host 'coolhostname.com' is blocked because of many connection
errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

so, that mysqladmin flush-hosts cleared up the problem, but then the
problem happened again and again.

We ended up fixing it for good by setting 'max_connect_errors' to 512.

Good luck,

On Jun 3, 1:02 pm, billv <billvan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes.  I just asked our sysadmin.  The httpd log shows that max_clients
> limit is reached.  When we first ran into the problem, we raised it to
> 256, then to 500.  We never have more than 2 or 3 using the server at
> a time, so it seems something is not closing properly.
> Thanks.
> On Jun 3, 1:30 pm, chewmanfoo <chewman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > examine your error_log (/var/log/httpd/error_log?) and the
> > production.log.  What is the issue?  Does it just freeze without a
> > note in the logs?
> > On Jun 3, 11:56 am, billv <billvan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > We have a virtual server running CentOS5 and Rails 2.3.5 with Ruby
> > > 1.8.7.  There are two lightly used rails apps in production on the
> > > server.  Every so often, maybe once a  month, Apache freezes.  A
> > > simple service reset restores service.  Has anyone else experienced
> > > such a problem?  Any ideas as to what it could be?  We're new to
> > > rails, so we could easily have missed an important configuration
> > > option in the rails apps, apache or passenger.
> > > Thanks in advance.

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