That really depends on your hosting provider, you'll probably need to contact them and ask them about it.

If your current hosting provider does not offer the option to run your setup you can either look for a hosting provider that does offer Ruby on Rails (I know a number of them exist, others on the list may be able to mention a few) or get a VPS hosting provider such as Linode ( where you can install the setup yourself (when choosing a VPS provider you''ll need to be prepared to maintain all the software on the VPS yourself though).

I hope this helps :)

On 26-6-2010 0:07, Ali Imran wrote:
I installed

ruby: 1.8.7
rails: 2.3.8
gems:  1.3.5

on the Ubuntu with passenger  2.2.15

now i create the first demo application,

i create a folder on home "ruby"->"demo"

than i created a sites-available

udo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/demo

<VirtualHost *:80>


DocumentRoot /home/ruby/demo/public


i am looking for next step .. where to go from here and also please
help me if i am doing these steps wrong

i also run the demo project by apache2 server by

placing application in  /var/www

and it works fine.

but how i move to this my shared hosting server
and run online


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