You can also try figuring out how to set up a git repo on that server
and then checkout a copy beside it and make that copy your production,
then on your local machine git checkout from the server through ssh
and bam, you can make changes on the local version commit, push, go to
remote git pull and there's your updated app, version controlled
deployment, closest to heroku without the coolne$$ of heroku ;)

On Jun 28, 1:33 am, Victor S <> wrote:
> I deployed on Site5, so it's possible :)
> Search their bulletin board for a tutorial, i can't remember the link
> off hand, if you have trouble let me know.
> If you are developing locally you don't need apache, just go to your
> app in the terminal and say$ script/server
> This is a pretty good getting started 
> guide:
> But anyway... check the Site5 forum it worked for me, you can try
> using the cpanel to start off your rails app, and it will setup a
> subdomain for you. if your get that app working, replace the contents
> of the folder with your own...
> I ssh'ed into site5 and linked the folder created by the cpanel wizard
> to my own rails 'public' folder outside the www folder, if i remember
> correctly. Theres no need for your rails app to be available to
> apache. Then you probably want to look into their passenger server
> restart method... where you're supposed to make a file called
> restart.txt or something, and put it somewhere, I can't remember
> exactly I think I moved it from the default location... again, the
> forums are a good resource :) -- then you just ssh again and unix
> "touch" it and bam the server restarts.... you might not want this
> file to be in the www folder either ;)
> Good luck,
> - V
> On Jun 26, 11:28 pm, Ali Imran <> wrote:
> > I install locally apache2..
> > and i have two hosting accounts i can use any one ...
> > i have one with and other one is
> > what step i need to take now please help me ... its driving me crazy..
> > On Jun 26, 12:02 pm, murali dhararao <> wrote:
> > > Hi ,
> > > Did you deployed application on apache server? is that is running locally?
> > > On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 3:37 AM, Ali Imran <> 
> > > wrote:
> > > > I installed
> > > > ruby: 1.8.7
> > > > rails: 2.3.8
> > > > gems:  1.3.5
> > > > on the Ubuntu with passenger  2.2.15
> > > > now i create the first demo application,
> > > > i create a folder on home "ruby"->"demo"
> > > > than i created a sites-available
> > > > udo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/demo
> > > > <VirtualHost *:80>
> > > > ServerName
> > > >
> > > > DocumentRoot /home/ruby/demo/public
> > > > </VirtualHost>
> > > > i am looking for next step .. where to go from here and also please
> > > > help me if i am doing these steps wrong
> > > > i also run the demo project by apache2 server by
> > > > placing application in  /var/www
> > > > and it works fine.
> > > > but how i move to this my shared hosting server
> > > > and run online
> > > > Thanks
> > > > --
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> > > --
> > > Thanks & Regards,
> > > MuraliDharaRao.T
> > > +91-9642234646

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