Hello Daniel,

ruby-1.9.2-head is not a snapshot, it is actively being developed on. So if you download ruby-1.9.2-head Today it may be quite different from what you downloaded with rvm originally. There have also been preview releases of Ruby 1.9.2 (the latest being preview3, if I am not mistaken) which are snapshots... I don't know if any of those work well with Rails 3 though.

1.8.7-p299 has come out recently, I have not tried that yet (has anyone?). I know that 1.8.7-p248 and 1.8.7-p249 don't work (segfaults when you try to access a controller via your browser).

I have been able to work with Rails 3 without problems using Ruby 1.8.7-p174

I hope this helps :)


On 21-6-2010 15:34, Daniel Salmerón wrote:
Thanks Fernando. So, seems that I'm stuck with this again... Any
advice on what I can do to setup a configuration as stable as
possible, so I can be able to work with rails 3 ?

I installed ruby 1.9.2-head again with a new gemset and I'm having the
same segmentation errors again.

On Jun 21, 3:15 pm, Fernando Brito<em...@fernandobrito.com>  wrote:
José Valim (member of Rails Core dev team) said that Rails 3 doesn’t support
ruby 1.9.1 (it makes some segmentation fault errors). Actually, it’s
supporting ruby 1.9.2!


Fernando Brito

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