Sure get a Mac ;)

No but seriously first there's no reason why your app should be in the
www folder the only thing you want to expose to the world is he public
folder and you can do that by simlinking I don't know what the
equivalent is on windows well I don't know why anyone does web dev on
a non unix Linux environnment but I've seen weirder things... Also
you'll need phusion passenger to get your ruby working with apache. If
you want a prepackaged server  stack look into I
got them working on my win 7 box of failure (does my bias come
through ?) but before you do all that you should know that you don't
need a separate server to develop your ruby rails app. Rails come with
it's own server you can use while developing...



On Jul 2, 11:42 am, Dave Digital <> wrote:
> I'm trying to run " rake db:migrate " and im getting an error back:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C:\wamp\www\demoproject>rake db:migrate
> (in C:/wamp/www/demoproject)
> rake aborted!
> Mysql::Error: query: not connected: CREATE TABLE `schema_migrations`
> (`version`
> varchar(255) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB
> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Something is definitely wrong because when I try to run "
> script/dbconsole " i get an error also
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C:\wamp\www\demoproject>ruby script/dbconsole
> Couldn't find database client: mysql, mysql5. Check your $PATH and try
> again.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have been fighting to get RoR installed for almost 2 weeks and my
> patience and time is running low. This is as bad as when I first
> installed apache, mysql and php on my system 7 years ago. I would gladly
> pay for an installer that just made everything work!
> --
> Posted via

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