On Jul 6, 10:49 pm, Greg Willits <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> I tried this with no joy:
> plugin_folder = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}"
> ActionController::Base.view_paths.unshift File.join(plugin_folder,
> 'views')

How are you trying to use the views in your apps ? If my memory is
correct, setting view_paths means that rails will look in there in
addition to app/views and so on.

However assuming you're in foo_controller, just as normally
render :partial => 'blah' means look for app/views/foo/_blah, adding
to the view_paths means rails will also look for my_plugin/views/foo/
_blah. Were you expecting it to find my_plugin/views/foo ?
I believe these days that if you plugin contains a folder called app,
itself containing a folder called views then that will be added to the
view paths automatically


> I must be missing something, because the above blog post seems like this
> should be fairly simple.
> -- gw
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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