On Jul 16, 10:40 pm, RichardOnRails
<richarddummymailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com> wrote:
> Hey Colin,
> Here's one more detail I should have added from my new-expense-view
> code:
>     <%= f.label :vendor %><br />
>     <%# New version of vendor selection -%>
>     <% params[:expense] = 10 -%>
>     <% @vendors = Vendor.find( :all, :order=>"nickname ASC") -%>
>     <%= f.collection_select(:id, @vendors, :id, :nickname) %>

because the first argument should be the name of the attribute you are
trying to set (ie vendor_id). This and f.collection_select not needing
the first argument was on the link I gave on one of your other posts
( http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html )

>     <%# End of New version -%>
> I apologize for the fragmented response.  I was in a hurry to go out
> for my 3-mile walk :-)
> Best again,
> Richard

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