I have a series of countries listed in a table in the following form:

id, country_name

I want to pull these in and I'm trying everything under the sun from a
variety of different peoples pages. I just cannot get anything working
at all. I have tried pulling all the records in the the ctrl.rb file

@country_list = Country.find_all

I get the following:

undefined method `find_all' for #<Class:0xb657a3a8>

I have put this in the following method

def new
    @usr = Usr.new
    @country_list = Country.find_all
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # new.html.erb
      format.xml  { render :xml => @usr }

I'm not fussy about the methodology, I simply want a drop down list the
easiest and simplest way...I have tried a number of other approaching,
but I wonder if there are problems with RoR versions?

Thanks in advance.
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