Ed Howland wrote:
> Peter makes very good points. Thanks for the wrap-up. (And I was just
> being tongue-in-cheek about the my reasons for getting a Mac.)
> Yiannis has a valid point too. There should be a nice X-Platform IDE
> that ships with Ruby core 

I'd be curious to see what the Ruby community could come up with.  I do 
like the idea of something like IDLE that's actually *designed for* and 
*benefits* typical Ruby projects.

(I don't dislike IDEs in general, and I'm even using NetBeans for a 
JRuby/Monkeybars/Swing project, and loving it.  I just believe that IDEs 
are completely inappropriate for *Rails*.)

> or is at least considered the de-facto
> standard. 


> Some people just take to a language if it comes with a nice
> environment to work in. 

A good OS, a good text editor, and a good terminal emulator make up a 
*very* nice environment.  Not everything needs an IDE.

> Eclipse for Java, 

What?  No.  Eclipse doesn't come with Java, it's not as nice as 
NetBeans, and in fact Sun is behind NetBeans.  Analogy FAIL. :)

> VS for C++. 

Is that really an advantage?

> I think there is a golden opportunity here. Almost all the pieces
> exist to create a community developed IDE. Perhaps limited in scope at
> first, but extensible.

No one is stopping you!  I for one will be very, very interested to see 
what you come up with.

> There is the TKText widget for the editor. guirb [1] for the irb
> shell, and we can link to ruby-debug-ide for debugging support.
> I think we have to figure out syntax colorizing, and code-completion.
> Does anyone know of a tabbed window widget for Tk?
> Also, is it possible to just eval Tk directly as a string? Then
> additonal widgets could be added at runtime.

Please, not Tk.  The Ruby API is apparently awful, and the resulting 
applications tend to be really ugly.  This is probably a good candidate 
for Swing/Monkeybars, or maybe wx.

> [1] http://github.com/martindemello/guirb.git

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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