Michael Schuerig wrote:
> On Friday 03 September 2010, Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
>> >   end
>> model, all your Article data fields are really in the Version object.
>> That's cumbersome, as you're finding out.
> The data model expresses what I need.

Maybe not.  If you're finding it this difficult to use, I wonder.

> Versions of the same article can
> have different titles. It is likely that an older version of an article
> is already published whereas the latest version is still in draft state.

That doesn't really invalidate my earlier suggestion, I think, or at 
least a modification of it.
>> Not if you had done Article.all :joins => :versions in the first
>> place.
> :joins with a symbol does an inner join. 

So use an SQL fragment if you need an outer join (which, on reflection, 
I suppose you do).

> When there are several draft
> versions, which one would I get? Answer: any. I want a specific one: the
> latest.

You can specify conditions and sort order on fields from joined tables. 
That should do the trick.

>> > Now, I know how to deal with this in SQL, with either a correlated
>> > sub- select or an even more complicated left outer join.
>> No way!  A simple join should do it.  Why do you think you need
>> anything more complex?
> Before you claim that I'm wrong, please consider the possibility that
> you don't understand what I'm trying to do. Thank you.

I did consider that possibility.  If you think I'm misunderstanding you, 
please tell me what I got wrong.

>> Stop overthinking.  Stop fighting Rails.  Stop trying to use such a
>> poor data model.
> Stop being overly confident of your opinion when you don't understand
> the situation. If you think my problem statement was not precise enough,
> you could have asked for the details you thought were missing. 

Your problem statement was plenty precise -- precise enough for me to 
determine that you may have a modeling problem.

Now, if you think there's something I don't understand, please tell me 
what it is and I'll modify my suggestions accordingly.

> No need
> to start out with bold and unwarranted statements.

I don't believe anything I said was unwarranted.  You came here looking 
for advice, right?  I gave you the best advice I know how to.  You may 
not like it, but please don't just make nebulous "you don't understand" 
statements without saying what you think I missed.  The best advice is 
not always the advice you wanted to hear.

> Michael
> --
> Michael Schuerig
> mailto:mich...@schuerig.de
> http://www.schuerig.de/michael/

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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