Quoting BlueHandTalking <j...@whidbey.com>:
> I am looking at getting a new Thinkpad with an i5 processor.
> I was curious to what extent this would speed up developing a Ruby on
> Rails
> app. I am guessing that this depends to what extent multi-threading is
> utilized,
> but I am not sure---hence the question :^)

Ruby (at least for 1.8) does not use multiple cores.  However, the database
server may.  And test suites usually hit both.

A talk was given at Lone Star Ruby on how the speaker reduced the run time for
the test suite from 13 minutes to 18 seconds.  Part of the changes involved
running pieces of the test suite in parallel on multiple CPUs.  I am pretty
sure the talk is on the Web somewhere.  Google for "Grease your Suite: Tips
and Tricks for Faster Testing".


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