Joshua Muheim wrote:
> Does RoR have the possibility to use fixtures for web testing? Or am I
> completely on the wrong track, and CakePHP's doing everything the right
> way?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "web testing."

Here are the various levels of testing that Rails supports (Test::Unit):

1. Model (Unit tests)
2. Functional (Controller tests)
3. Integration (Controller + View tests)

RSpec ( is also popular and breaks things down a 
little differently:

1. Model specs
2. Controller specs
3. View specs
4. Helper specs

RSpec typically relies on a third party story runner for implementing, 
what Test::Unit calls "integration tests," called Cucumber 

There are other frameworks that are popular as well (e.g. Shoulda).


Most of the Rails developers I know have completely stopped using 
fixtures to generate test data. Fixtures are difficult to deal with and 
cause more problems than they are worth.

Fortunately there are now a few really great fixture replacement 
frameworks. The ones I'm most familiar with are Factory Girl 
( and Machinist 

As far as using fixture data for what you are calling "web tests" I 
would actually advise against it in most cases. For most tests (or 
specs) above model/unit level it's best to use mocking. Using mocks 
instead of real model objects helps to isolate your tests from issues at 
the database level.

There are a number of really good mocking frameworks to choose from. 
RSpec has it own built-in mocking framework, but can also use a number 
of third-party mocking frameworks as well.

For more information on mocking see:

Here's an overview of a number of options for testing in Rails:
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