Thanks for your answer, Robert.

> I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "web testing."

I mean the integration tests, where one programs a browser to do some 
stuff, e.g. "open website", "enter stuff into form", "press submit", 
"assert pattern xy exists" etc.

> Here are the various levels of testing that Rails supports (Test::Unit):
> 1. Model (Unit tests)
> 2. Functional (Controller tests)
> 3. Integration (Controller + View tests)


You mean that the theory behind fixtures is bad (use predefined test 
data), or that the way Rails offers the use of fixtures is bad?

> As far as using fixture data for what you are calling "web tests" I 
> would actually advise against it in most cases. For most tests (or 
> specs) above model/unit level it's best to use mocking. Using mocks 
> instead of real model objects helps to isolate your tests from issues at 
> the database level.

Sounds interesting, I will take a look into that.

Thanks for your useful answer - it's better than any answer I got on the 
CakePHP mailing list yet (and it came a lot faster to me, too)...
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