nobosh wrote:
> Thanks Marnen. I feel ok about how AJAX works perhaps I wasn't asking
> the question well enough. I did a little more digging and can show an
> example that might help clear out what I'm working to understand in
> Rails 3....

I've never used Rails 3, and I do little enough Ajax development that I 
have to check references every time.  But with that in mind...

> The goal, is to be able to inject html content into a contentPanel on
> a page w/o page refresh (like Facebook, clicking messages)
> In my case I want to inject the Books view into the contentPanel w/o
> the layout, so in the Books controller I added:
> def index
>  respond_to do |format|
>   format.html
>   format.js  { render :layout => false }
>  end
> end

This is almost certainly not what you want.  Even on Ajax requests, 
you're requesting HTML, not JavaScript, so you're still dealing with the 
format.html case. Just test request.xhr? to figure out if it was 
responding to an Ajax call.

> Then in my application.js file, I have the following function being
> triggered:
>  jQuery.ajaxSetup({ 'beforeSend': function(xhr)
> {xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript")} })
>  $.ajax({
>   url: '/notes',
>   success: function(data) {
>     $('.contentCol').html(data);
>     //alert('Load was performed.');
>    }
>  });
> I also added a index.js.erb file, right now it just says:
> You found me!

The .js says it's JavaScript.  That's your cue to realize that you 
shouldn't be doing it that way if you're wanting HTML.  (Actually, I 
believe js.erb is usually a sign of a design problem.)

> What's strange is I want to inject the books view without the layout
> in the contentPanel div, so it doesn't seem right to be having that in
> a index.js.erb file.....

Exactly.  See above.

> Does this help? Can't wait to hear your feedback, I've been trying to
> tackle this one all morning.
> Thanks!

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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