Msan Msan wrote in post #949798:
> On 13 October 2010 04:11, Marnen Laibow-Koser <>
> wrote:
>> Msan Msan wrote in post #949644:
>>> I've to make an application to monitor the installation and
>>> replacement of all the PCs in my company.
>> [...]
>>> Do you think that one type of application of this kind is suitable for
>>> the use of a finite state machine?
>> Quite likely, but why do you even care at this stage? Determine how the
>> application should behave for its users before you worry about
>> implementation.
> Sorry but my english understanding is very bad.

Then please improve your English, and/or find a Rails forum in a 
language you understand better (several non-Engljsh Rails forums exist).

> Can you explain better?

What part didn't you understand?

What I was trying to say was this: you're apparently in the early stages 
of designing your application.  Therefore, you need to think about user 
interface now -- how the application should behave from the user's point 
of view. You do not yet need to think about how the application works 

Is that clearer?

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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