Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #955129:

> Bad idea.  Ruby 1.9.1 is not supposed to work reliably with Rails.  Use
> 1.9.2 or 1.8.7.

1.9.2 doesn't work. 1.8.7 is too old to work with the tools I'm using. 
So far 1.9.1 is working with no problems.

Like the person before me, I tried to get help as to why things didn't 
work with 1.9.2 and got no answers. As I only have a limited time 
available, I have to figure something that works and so far I've had no 
problems with 1.9.1.

However, I would like to use 1.9.2 if only it would work and there seems 
to be some big problems there.

There are patches available to fix it but the authors assume that we all 
know how to apply a patch whereas newbies like myself haven't a clue - 
yes we can download the patch, but we don't know how to apply it.

Any hints? :)

Kind Regards

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