On 6 déc, 12:30, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 6 December 2010 11:03, Julien <julien.ap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 6 déc, 09:53, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >> On 5 December 2010 22:44, Julien <julien.ap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > exact same poltergeist for me on rails 3.0.1 and ruby 1.9.2. It adds
> >> > some visible space in browser but completely invisible in the
> >> > generated HTML.
> >> > it seems to be when the partial starts by a tag (like "<form ...>").
> >> > It's not a space but a linebreak. If partial starts by basic simple
> >> > text it's fine.
> >> > I checked my ruby source files encoding and it's plain good utf8.
> >> > The generated html may look exactly the same using 'source>view' in
> >> > both cases but i'm wondering if there might be some fancy digits
> >> > making this linebreak.
> >> If the html (and javascript and css) are the same then it must render
> >> the same, that is all the browser has to go on.  Copy and paste the
> >> html into a text file for each case and then do a file compare.  Also
> >> if you want to see where the extra space is coming from use firebug in
> >> firefox and you can see which div or whatever the space is in and how
> >> the area is styled.
> >> I note that the OP was not heard from again after he was asked to
> >> check the generated html in this way (with the request re-inforced by
> >> Marnen as it appeared he may not have understood that it was the html
> >> that was to be compared).
> >> Colin
> > Hi ! Thanks for reply, i have news:
> > In Firefox, the generated html seems exactly the same, but in Chrome,
> > i can see an extra-digit.
> > Screen:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Hc_PJsJ5czI/TPy9KFd3RsI/AAAAAAABNIc/bApGqfK32fE...
> Well I have to apologise for suggesting that if the html looked the
> same then it would render the same.  I had not allowed for
> non-displaying characters.  I wonder whether you are on developing on
> windows?  I seem to remember a problem with <%-  -%> that the -
> removed the LF but not the CR in files with CRLF line endings.
> Colin

Yep, Windows. When i print special chars in Komodo, i see LF ending
each line, but no CR. I'm really not at ease with those file format
issues, can't be really helpful on that, sorry :(

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