Finne Jager wrote in post #968357:
>> Why the current_user part?  Just Timesheet.find(params[:id]) should do
>> the trick -- after all, the ID is unique.
> I read in Beginning Rails 3 that current_user makes sure that the logged
> in user can not see other people's incidents/timesheets.

True enough, though I'd probably use an authorization plugin for that.

I have the same
> thing in the IncidentsController:
> ------------------------------
> def index
>     @incidents = current_user.incidents.all
> -------------------------------
> But now that Timesheets are nested within Incidents, I don't have to
> have current_user for that I guess.
>> Of course that's not working.  You haven't defined timesheet anywhere.
> @timesheet = Timesheet.find(params[:id])
> Seems to be not working...

No, I'm sure it's working fine.  But you're defining @timesheet in your 
controller, then calling timesheet (without the @) in the view.

> Does it even need to find by ID if I'm
> already using the incident_timesheet_path(incident) link?

Yes.  That only passes the ID.  HTTP has no means of passing 
ActiveRecord objects around.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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