partydrone wrote in post #968419:
> OK. After much trial and error, here is the code that works:
> t("date.month_names")[8]
> Basically, call the I18n.translate method passing the date.month_names
> key which return an array of month names, then access the index for
> the desired month. (The first slot in the array is nil so indexes
> match names correctly).

Interesting.  Note that with Gettext-type I18n (e.g. with fast_gettext), 
this would be much simpler, just _(Date::MONTHNAMES[8]), since Gettext 
uses  the translatable string itself as a key rather than Rails' weird 
symbolic keys.  In general, I highly recommend using Gettext rather than 
Rails' default backend.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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