
I'm trying to understand some code in a book I'm reading and was hoping
someone could tell me if I have understood it correctly.

There are two models, an employee model and a department model. A
department has_many :employees and an employee belongs_to :department.

Here's a snippet of code from the form to edit an existing employee:

<% fields_for( @employee.department) do |department_f| %>
    <%= department_f.label :name,"Department name" %><br />
    <%= department_f.text_field :name %>
<% end %>

The form is submitted to the update action of 'employees_controller.rb',
where there is the following code:

if @employee.update_attributes(params[:employee]) &&
  ... employee successfully updated ...

My question is about the line

Is it correct to say that this code updates the attributes (in this case
"name") of the Department object that is linked (via the "has_many" and
"belongs_to" relationship) to the Employee object currently being

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