On Dec 29, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Jim Burgess wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand some code in a book I'm reading and was hoping
> someone could tell me if I have understood it correctly.
> There are two models, an employee model and a department model. A
> department has_many :employees and an employee belongs_to :department.
> Here's a snippet of code from the form to edit an existing employee:
> <% fields_for( @employee.department) do |department_f| %>
>  <p>
>    <%= department_f.label :name,"Department name" %><br />
>    <%= department_f.text_field :name %>
>  </p>
> <% end %>
> The form is submitted to the update action of 'employees_controller.rb',
> where there is the following code:
> if @employee.update_attributes(params[:employee]) &&
> @employee.department.update_attributes(params[:department])
>  ... employee successfully updated ...
> end
> My question is about the line
> "@employee.department.update_attributes(params[:department])"
> Is it correct to say that this code updates the attributes (in this case
> "name") of the Department object that is linked (via the "has_many" and
> "belongs_to" relationship) to the Employee object currently being
> edited?

Yes.  And it only does this if the update to @employee was successful first.


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