On Jan 9, 2011, at 6:46 PM, SW Engineer wrote:

So @walter, what do you recommend to approach healthcare through RoR?

Healthcare is much too large a target for me to say "do this" or "read that". I worked for several years at Medical Broadcasting Corporation, now Digitas Health, and worked on a lot of different kinds of healthcare + Web projects (this was long before Rails came along).

* Some of these were basic static sites to promote a drug or to post the warnings somewhere so they didn't have to waste so much of the commercial time telling you it would grow hair on your palms or whatever.

* Some were quite ambitious intranet/extranet collaboration tools for the marketing team.

* Some were information-gathering systems for clinical trials.

* Some were very early social media attempts -- way too far ahead of the curve for anyone to try them.

* One was (I kid you not) a Web application to help people choose gifts for friends or relatives who were in the hospital or recovering from a serious illness. All sorts of magical fuzzy logic in there -- don't buy stuffed animals for a person with allergies -- that basically recreated common sense for the senseless. Over a million and a half dollars and it was pulled in less than a year.

So there's a LOT of different things under the "healthcare" tent that you could pick to work on.

What made it easy at MBC was the sales team -- all hand-picked from the cream of Big Pharma marketing -- who really knew the ins and outs of how a pharma company worked on the inside, and could think up clever ways for us to wiggle in there and build something cool for a profit.

If you can't replicate that part of the equation, I doubt that Rails or any other framework would help you much. But if you have landed a project to work on, Rails will help you build it much more quickly than traditional techniques.

Please do post some more focused questions and I (and others) will no doubt be happy to help you.


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