Chris Mear wrote in post #977826:
> The default rails.js that ships with Rails 3 is designed to work with
> Prototype; you should replace it with one written to work on jQuery, if
> you haven't already:
> Chris

Give that man a cigar!

Evidently I'd installed the gem but missed the all important:

  $ rails generate jquery:install

step.  All better now.

[Summary for anyone who comes here via google]

If you're using jQuery, and if you notice that 'link_to obj, :method=>
:delete' is failing to trigger your controller's destroy() method, make
sure that:

(a) you have the correct routes set up -- do a rake routes to make sure
(b) you've installed the jQuery adaptor gem (and done a 'bundle
(c) you've called 'rails generate jquery:install'


Thanks, all.

- ff

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