I'm using this successfully (in a Rails 2.3.5 app):
link_to("Delete Post", post_path(@post), :confirm => 'Are you
sure?', :method => :delete)

To my knowledge there is no such thing as a delete_XYZ_path.

Check your logs to see if DELETE is really received on the top level.
For debugging purposed try using curl: curl "localhost:3000/premises/
123" -X DELETE

Hope this helps!


On Jan 27, 2:32 am, Fearless Fool <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #977756:
> >> The generated HTML is (for example):
> >> <a href="/premises/2"
> >>       data-confirm="Positive?"
> >>       data-method="delete"
> >>       rel="nofollow"
> >>       title="Delete 123 Chestnut Street">delete</a>
> >> That looks basically right to me, so I'm still stumped.
> > How can that look right to you?  There's nothing telling Rails that you
> > want DELETE or the destroy action.  (The data-* attributes are
> > client-side, and Rails will never see them.)
> Do you mean that the :method => :delete option has no effect on the
> server?  The documentation suggests something different.
> > What you need is something like destroy_premise_path(premise) for the
> > URL in link_to -- check rake routes for the exact name.
> I thought the same thing, but rake routes gives me:
>     premises GET    /premises(.:format)            {:action=>"index",
> :controller=>"premises"}
>              POST   /premises(.:format)            {:action=>"create",
> :controller=>"premises"}
>  new_premise GET    /premises/new(.:format)        {:action=>"new",
> :controller=>"premises"}
> edit_premise GET    /premises/:id/edit(.:format)   {:action=>"edit",
> :controller=>"premises"}
>      premise GET    /premises/:id(.:format)        {:action=>"show",
> :controller=>"premises"}
>              PUT    /premises/:id(.:format)        {:action=>"update",
> :controller=>"premises"}
>              DELETE /premises/:id(.:format)        {:action=>"destroy",
> :controller=>"premises"}
> ... which, if I read this correctly, means that the delete path is still
> just called "premise_path" -- the same as GET and PUT, but using a
> :destroy method instead.
> So it still comes back to : how do I get link_to to generate a :destroy
> action?  I'm sure it's and obvious and stupid error on my part.  (The
> perplexing things is that I've done this lots of times before...)
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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