Please quote when replying.

Dahlby wrote in post #977793:
> Thanks for all the replies.
> It looks like things changed after shutting down and starting back up
> the
> next day. My rails went back to version 2.3.5 for some reason. That
> would
> explain the different folder set I get when doing a "new" command. The
> Hartl
> book recommended having both Rails 2 and 3, in case I needed to switch
> back
> and forth.

That is a great idea, but then you need to either use RVM or explicitly 
specify the version.

> I installed RVM but am having a frustrating time trying to get the
> Terminal
> to recognize the command.

What OS are you using?

> I'm going backwards it seems :(
> If I had a .bash_profile, I don't now. I created one, put it in my home
> directory, and added the suggested RVM code to it:
> [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"  # This
> loads RVM into a shell session.
> ...but Terminal still doesn't acknowledge rvm as a command.

How do you know?  What happens when you try to use it?

> I don't have a .bashrc or .profile file either. All I found in the home
> directory was .bash_history.

.bash_profile should be fine.  Did you start a new shell or use "source" 
to reload your profile after editing it?

> Not sure how I got it to work on Monday.
> My gem list rails is:
> rails (2.3.5, 1.2.6)

So you don't have Rails 3 at all, then, at least not accessible with 
your current settings.

Since you neglected to quote when replying, you forgot to answer my 
entire post.  I asked about the output of rails -v.

> I guess my initial question is answered and now am needing basic help
> with
> rvm. I went through the RVM site's troubleshooting section, but it's
> still a
> little technical for me.

Development is technical.  That's life.  What don't you understand?

> Thanks for any further help!!
> Ian

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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