Hi Walter

Thank you for your answer. I already have watched that railcast but he
really only talks about changing the backend. He doesnt compare the
options of storing pages in the DB or retrieving them from locale
files, thats what my question is mainly about I guess.

Is it a good idea to store entire pages so possibly a lot of text in a
redis database or key driven storage? Or is it more to translate
little stuff like buttons, links, etc.


On Mar 8, 9:27 pm, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Stefano wrote:
> > Hi guys
> > I am working on a webpage for a company and one of the requirements is
> > that the entire webpage is capable of supporting multiple languages.
> > Now stop before you start writing because yes, I am aware of i18n, but
> > I am not entirely convinced that it would be the best thing to put the
> > content into one particular locale file... So the options are:
> > 1) Store content in database has advantages that it would be easy to
> > modify existing pages using the CMS. Drawback is that every time the
> > page is loaded it has to query the database and fields like 'content'
> > or whatever could get potentially very large if there is a lot of text
> > on the page.
> > 2) Content storage in locale files. Seems like the 'nicer' solution
> > because you can give these files to an external business to translate
> > or whatever but does have the disadvantage that it would be harder to
> > write a CMS for this. Also it seems a little strange to make pages
> > that have placeholder locales for the content? content_1: "foobar"
> > content_2: "foobar2" ? Just looks strange...
> > So I was a little surprised about the lack of good advice on the
> > internet. Surely this is done everywhere, all the time but I couldnt
> > find a book about it (yes, tried the obvious stuff, agile web
> > development, recipes, etc.) or any good webpage discussing the
> > problem.
> > Thanks and looking forward to hearing your response
> > Stefano
> Ryan Bates' ears must be burning right now. He just covered this in  
> Monday's Railscast.http://railscasts.com
> Walter

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