I saw a recent posting about Twitter moving some of their code from Rails to 
Java and it seemed to be germane to this conversation. It is a perfect example 
of the kinds of things you have to do for the tiny, tiny number of sites in the 
world that *really* need to scale:

I think what they did makes good sense for their vanishingly unique use case, 
and I think anyone building a new site from scratch would be nuts to try to 
build an architecture like that to knock out a site and see whether anyone was 
going to use it.

Rails is a great framework for building *almost* every web app :)

Rails is dead, long live Rails.

Best Wishes,

On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Peter Bell wrote:

> On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:17 AM, mengu wrote:
>> rails has become a lot better in the years thanks to the core devs,
>> contributors and the community for pushing it that way. it definitely
>> depends on how you build your application.
>> there are couple of things i can recommend and i am following them in
>> practice.
> I think all of those are really good points, but they relate to incremental 
> scaling up, not scaling out. They will allow you to get more performance from 
> a single server. For substantial scale, it's more a case of architecting so 
> that you can throw multiple servers at the problem. 
> I've never tried to build out a Rails app with ten front end servers speaking 
> to a cluster of back end (SQL) db servers, but I'm guessing there would be 
> problems with database contention and you'd start to have to take a lot more 
> interest in failed saves - especially if you need to scale a write heavy 
> application. That's where a fundamentally different architectural approaches 
> based on designing from the get go for eventual consistency and asynchronous 
> messaging are really important (assuming you don't need immediate consistency 
> for most of your app).
> Personally I quite like the event sourcing model 
> (http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html) as it effectively gets 
> rid of mutable state and makes any database values for entities a cache 
> rather than an authoritative source. It's a different way of writing things, 
> but it makes scaling out trivially simple. If I get some time I may have a 
> play to see the best way of providing an easy implementation of this in the 
> Ruby world. I see something here 
> (https://github.com/cavalle/banksimplistic#readme) but haven't had a chance 
> to play with it.
> That said, I just got brought in to do some architecture on a JRuby app that 
> is going to genuinely need substantial write scaling from day one, so I may 
> just get a chance to play with some of this if it makes sense to keep this in 
> Rails vs. just using Rails as a thin layer and handling all the contention 
> logic using a message bus or an eventually consistent, write scalable NoSQL 
> data store like Cassandra with callbacks for contention handling.
> Best Wishes,
> Peter
>> - optimize your queries like hell.
>> - design your database well and so you can avoid joins as much as
>> possible. for example, you can have posts and comments. in order to
>> display comment count of blog post in your blog home page, instead of
>> doing the following query "select count(*) as count from comments
>> where post_id = x" you can add a column in posts table called as
>> "comment_count" and show them there.
>> - use faster solutions wherever you can.
>> - use solr or sphinx for full text searching.
>> - make sure your views are perfectly fine and does not contain ruby
>> code more than enough. remember, the rendering takes time, as well.
>> - cache whatever you can.
>> good luck.
>> On Apr 6, 4:26 pm, Peter Bell <pe...@pbell.com> wrote:
>>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 4:06 AM, Alexey Muranov wrote:
>>>> I think i understand David's point: "scalable" is true or false.
>>> I'm not sure that is Davids point at all. It sounds like he has experience 
>>> with building scalable applications and notices that some best practices 
>>> for scalability like UUID primary keys are not the default way in Rails. It 
>>> seems to me that he is more than sophisticated enough to realize that 
>>> scalability isn't a binary choice.
>>>> Could be nice if scalability was planned for from the beginning.
>>> I think there are some architectural defaults that could be changed which 
>>> would help, but scalability is so large, complex and specific to a given 
>>> use case I don't think there's any way to "just build scalability in".
>>>> I do not know anything about it, but i hope that the issue discussed
>>>> here is only about Rails, i hope that Ruby can be used for scalable
>>>> applications.
>>> Rails has some conventions which are not optimal for scaling certain types 
>>> of applications. All languages can be used for scalable applications - 
>>> although you need to look at the performance characteristics at runtime for 
>>> a given application. The main issue for scaling with Ruby is that it's an 
>>> OO rather than functional language which raises fundamental issues in 
>>> managing mutable state. You can work around that by writing Ruby in a more 
>>> functional style and using architectural patterns that don't depend on such 
>>> shared state.
>>> I think a way more interesting question is whether Rails is productive than 
>>> whether it is scalable. I would much rather build something quickly in a 
>>> productive framework and then revisit parts of the app if scale became a 
>>> concern than spend way more to build a scalable app that nobody ends up 
>>> using. I use Rails for it's productivity and am enjoying it more with each 
>>> project I deliver.
>>> Best Wishes,
>>> Peter
>>>> Alexey.
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