Rails Fans,

Back in the 2.x days I converted my personal site to Rails.  I
eventually got tired of fighting Rails conventions and tried other
options.  I'm now back and giving Rails another look.  I've been
tinkering with another personal site and have it partially implemented
in both Rails 3 and Django.  I'm sure some of my preferences will make
most Rails developers cringe.  I tend to try to CamelCase everything.
Also, Rails RESTful routes don't quite make sense to me.  Logic would
dictate that collection routes should be plural and member routes
should be singular, instead of them both being plural.  Using recipes
as an example, my personal preference would be for:


to be the index with a list of recipes.  For viewing a single recipe,
using a slug, it would make more sense for the route to be something


instead of:


Is there a way to configure RESTful routes to use plural collection
routes and singular member routes?  For the moment I have all of my
routes mapped separately via match statements but I'd like to find an
easier way, especially if/when I get to a point where nested resources
would come in handy.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system?  One that works! 
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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