I have a stock-related rails app, and I want to test the Price model.  Each 
price object represents daily price
data for a single Equity, which in turn belongs to a single Issuer.  I've 
run the test with the following fixtures and get this
    1) Error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR:  column "equity" of relation 
"prices" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO "prices" ("equity", "dat", "opn", "hgh", "low", ...
: INSERT INTO "prices" ("equity", "dat", "opn", "hgh", "low", "cls", "vol", 
"created_at", "updated_at", "id") VALUES ('sprint_common', '2010-01-04', 
3.71, 3.92, 3.7, 3.9, 59299500, '2011-06-07 19:49:44', '2011-06-07 
19:49:44', 1014512129)
`rescue in log'

Here is what the fixtures look like:
==================== prices.yml ====================
  equity: sprint_common
  dat: 2010-01-04
  opn: 3.71
  hgh: 3.92
  low: 3.7
  cls: 3.9
  vol: 59299500
  equity: sprint_common
  dat: 2010-01-05
  opn: 3.92
  hgh: 4.2
  low: 3.9
  cls: 4.13
  vol: 95552600

===================== equities.yml =============================
  rawsym: s
  sym: S
  xch: NYSE
  issuer: sprint
  earliest: 2005-08-16
  latest: 2010-12-31

====================== issuers.yml =============================
  cik: 10830
  name: Sprint Nextel Corporation
  sic: 4813
  stinc: KS
  fy_mo: 12
  fy_day: 31
I've read the Fixtures document, which indicates that this ought to work. 
 But I've also read that
having a foreign key somehow keeps fixtures from loading.  I have defined a 
foreign key constraint in
one of my migrations from the prices to equities tables.

Is it the foreign key that's causing the problem?  If so, is there any work 
around without deleting the foreign keys?


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