Upgraded from rails 3.0.7.rc1 to 3.0.8 today and ran into a problem when 
rendering haml:

TypeError in Pages#home
Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place

Full Trace:

activesupport (3.0.8) 
lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:122:in `gsub!'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:382:in `block in build_attributes'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:358:in `each'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:358:in `collect'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:358:in `build_attributes'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:407:in `prerender_tag'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:119:in `compile_tag'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:447:in `compile'
haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:446:in `block (2 levels) in compile

Only way I can avoid the error is if I remove everything from application.haml 
below %body

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