...That's odd.  I just read The RSpec Book, and it explains how double isn't 
sufficient when you're testing something related to form_for.  The book, in 
its example, says to use mock_model("Message").as_new_record...
and anyway in my case neither method is working.  If I use mock_model, I 

Failure/Error: assign(:user_session, 
       The mock_model method can only accept as its first argument:
         * A String representing a Class that does not exist
         * A String representing a Class that extends ActiveModel::Naming
         * A Class that extends ActiveModel::Naming
       It received UserSession

...and if I use double, I get the error the book says I'd get: "undefined 
method `model_name' for RSpec::Mocks::Mock:Class"

:/ so I wonder what the best way to test form_for is now with rspec... btw 
I'm using Capybara.

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