On Aug 28, 2:56 pm, comopasta Gr <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> So I store Visit records in UTC: 2011-08-28 13:23:48.714506
> I am in timezone +3 so I can verify that the stored created at is in
> UTC.
> Rails.logger.debug visits.last.created_at.class returns
> ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
> I'm using pgAdmin3 and when checking the table on the UI app you can see
> the datatypes. Strangely there in the UI of pgAdmin3 it reads
> "created_at timestamp without time zone". That is odd.
> Based in what I've read the data is in DB in UTC but when it pulls it
> from the db it should convert it to local automatically.
> I am in zone +3 so I should get 16:23:48 for the record above. But it
> still comes in UTC.
> Any hints what could be the problem?

It converts the utc value from utc to whatever Time.zone is. Unless
you're setting Time.zone elsewhere, because you've set
config.time_zone to utc, Time.zone will be utc too. Try setting
config.time_zone to the desired timezone (don't forget to restart your


> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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