On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 13:26, Mauro <mrsan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For example: I have a Company with many legal_representatives and a
> LegaRepresentative that has many companies.
> In this case you use a has_and_belongs_to_many or has_many :through?
> What's reasoning that leads me to select has_and_belongs_to_many
> rather than has_many :through?

The usual reason for using has_many :through (hmt) is that you need to
attach some information to that relationship.  For instance, you may
want to record exactly *when* a given Legal_representative started
representing a given Company, how much they're charging, etc.  If you
are absolutely sure you don't, and *never will*, need to attach any
info to the relationship, then has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm) will do


First, but I've heard some people complain about difficulty getting
that working (I haven't, and don't know what they were doing wrong),
and secondly, if you're wrong, I've heard that it's very difficult to
retrofit an existing habtm setup to become hmt (haven't tried to do
that myself).

So, aside from declaring one more class, there's no reason not to use
hmt from the start.


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