I have a form containing a text field along the lines of:

<%= form_for(wizard, :url => wizard_path, :method => :put) do |f| %>
    <%= form.text_field "gas_credentials[user_id]", :value =>
wizard.gas_credentials['user_id'] %>
<% end %>

Mysteriously, when wizard.gas_credentials is nil, the text_field gets
initial text equal to the current_user.email (which in this case is
ad...@admin.com).  At the very least, I'd expect an error trying to call
[] on nil.

What's especially odd is that the wizard model knows nothing about
current_user, so I don't see where it's getting that value from.  Can
anyone shed light on what might be happening, or at least how text_field
decides to compute its :value?


- ff


% rake about
About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.9.2 (x86_64-darwin10.6.0)
RubyGems version          1.3.7
Rack version              1.2
Rails version             3.0.5
Environment               development

... and I'm using devise 1.4.2 and warden 1.0.4

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