
   Your reasoning is correct. There should not be 2 instances of
ApplicantStatus in the working memory.

   Can you provide a test case showing the problem? we have test cases here
using "not" and logical assertions, and it works properly.


2008/7/31 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  How is "
> not" supposed to work with insertLogical? Assume I have two different
> rules whose conditions are mutually exclusive, like the following:*
> rule
> * "Rule One"
> *when*
> not NegativeResult()
> *then*
> *insertLogical*(new ApplicantStatus("Approved"));*
> end
> **
> rule
> * "Rule Two"
> *when*
> NegativeResult()
> *then*
> *insertLogical*(new ApplicantStatus("Denied"));*
> end
> *
> Assume that the above two rules are the only way an
> ApplicantStatus fact can be inserted into working memory. I would expect,
> after all rules are run, that it would be impossible for there to be one
> ApplicantStatus with "Approved" as its reason, and another with "Denied"as 
> its reason, in the working memory.
> I would expect that, before any
> NegativeResult is inserted, that rule one could run, and insert an
> ApplicantStatus fact with an "Approved" reason. Then, after a
> NegativeResult is inserted, that rule two could run, and insert an
> ApplicantStatus fact with a "Denied" reason. At this point I would expect
> that the original ApplicantStatus fact, with an "Approved" reason, would
> be retracted, since the conditions under which it was inserted are no longer
> true.
> This is not what I am observing, however. I am finding
> ApplicantStatus facts with both reasons in working memory at the end of
> the rules run. Should "not" work as I expect with regard to inserting a fact
> via insertLogical()? Or is this a known limitation, or simply the way it
> is designed to work?
> Thanks,
> -Hans
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Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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