
> My names Justin King, I'm a part of a research project at Swinburne
> University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. my question is in regards
> to the new Drools and more specifically fusion. I'm having trouble
> determining whether Fusion might fulfill a requirement of our project so
> maybe you can help me out. Essentially we are in need of an Event Condition
> Action (ECA) engine. We wish to be able to define trigger the firings of
> certain rules based on an event occurring inside our system, e.g. a timer
> going off. Any sets of rules listening for this event should evaluate their
> 'when' conditions and execute their 'then' actions. So essentially its
> something like:
> Event: Timer expires
> Rule: rule 1
> Event Timer expires
> Rule: rule 3
> So rule 1 and 3 have now 'subscribed' to the timer event. so rule 1 might
> be something like
> CONDITION 'if students have not finished their exam'
> ACTION 'fail students'
> Does drools fusion allow for this type of ECA pattern, or is it a different
> form on engine.
> Thanks very much,
> Justin King
> Faculty of I.C.T.
> Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
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