Justin King wrote:

    My names Justin King, I'm a part of a research project at
    Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. my
    question is in regards to the new Drools and more specifically
    fusion. I'm having trouble determining whether Fusion might
    fulfill a requirement of our project so maybe you can help me out.
    Essentially we are in need of an Event Condition Action (ECA)
    engine. We wish to be able to define trigger the firings of
    certain rules based on an event occurring inside our system, e.g.
    a timer going off. Any sets of rules listening for this event
    should evaluate their 'when' conditions and execute their 'then'
    actions. So essentially its something like:

    Event: Timer expires
    Rule: rule 1

    Event Timer expires
    Rule: rule 3

    So rule 1 and 3 have now 'subscribed' to the timer event. so rule
    1 might be something like

CONDITION 'if students have not finished their exam' ACTION 'fail students'

    Does drools fusion allow for this type of ECA pattern, or is it a
    different form on engine.

Drools Fusion can do this. It allows you to look at conditions over time and aggregations over time, and reason over them.


    Thanks very much,

    Justin King
    Faculty of I.C.T.
    Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


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